9 Mukhi Rudraksha – Your Pathway Of Accomplishment

The 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is related to Nau Kuli Naag (Nine Cobra). The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi (method of purification & charging with Mantra) get all the fronts open for him in the passage of success. This Rudraksha belongs to nine powers and also nine snake (snake, Cobra) lives in it. It cures snakebite, for this cure the 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is dipped in the water filled in the copper vessel. The water than is to give to such patient is surely saved from death.
Rudraksha word is related to Hindu Religion. Its tree is also called Rudraksha and it generally grows on mountains and hilly area and mountain of Nepal, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra, and Burma and. Its leaves are red in color and the fruits are brown in color and sour in taste. The Rudraksha fruits also adorn the human beings because of spiritual values.

Ruling Lord    - Devi Durga
Ruling Planet -Rahu                                                                     

The importance of  9 Mukhi Rudraksha:-
·        It regulates function of thyroid gland and nervous system.
·        It removes miseries/ evil and low energy of a person.
·        It is very beneficial for the spiritual follower.
·        The wearer of Nine Mukhi Rudraksha is free from Yamaraaj and ghosts.
·        It enhances Sahasrara Chakra (Crown psychic center) and helps to enlighten it.
·        It makes a connection with Goddess Durga and blesses with positive energy.
·        It nullifies negative effect of Rahu
This Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Kaal Bhairav and Yamraj who is the Lord of Death and hence, its wearer is no more afraid of Death. This Rudraksha makes a person confident and he is privileged with energy, power, dynamism, and fearlessness which leads to a better self-esteem thereby helping him achieve Success, Name & Fame. The wearer of this Rudraksha gets fortunate which are received by fasting for the 9 days of Navratras. It is said that this Rudraksha also safeguards a person from the ill -effects of all the 9 planets.

Who should wear 9 Mukhi Rudraksha:-
People who want to be fearless, fearless to death. (9 Mukhi together is for protection).Women (working/housewife) having tension for the family. For people having fear, lack of concentration, depression as well as physical weakness Rudraksha is known for its divine contribution in rescuing mankind from worldly sufferings, miseries, misfortunes, evil power and adverse planetary effects. Rudraksha having 9 faces is known to be the form of Bhairav and Kapilamuni. By wearing it the person gets endurance, bravery, courage, and his name and fame spread all round. His devotion to God increases. His willpower is strengthened

Mantra for 9 Mukhi Rudraksha:-
"Om Hreem Hoom Namah"
"Nav Durga Namah"
"Ram Liam"
"Mahamrityunjai Mantra"

"OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam"


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